
sweet growing pains

Don't Watch Me Dancing by Little Joy on Grooveshark

weekends zip and fly right by around here!
 more so when you wake up to a gloomy bit of rainy monday and start instant sunny weekend reminiscing. 

my weekend was a funny one. i laid low and touched baby things and tried to keep the grump off of my face. 
i'm forever grateful to be able to carry this little lady, but being pregnant this time around has taken quite a toll. the past few weeks have been constant aches and stretching and bolts of pain...winded trips up and down stairs and forced time outs. being only about halfway along, these slow downs have been a bit discouraging...especially when you're stubborn and like to do things yourself without help.

it's been slowly building...and saturday night i hit a wall. i had had it...and let me tell you, constant discomfort can bring out the hood rat in a gal. i wanted to crack some skulls. haha. 
matt took me around the back of the house in the middle of the night to smash fruit and glass bottles...karate chop styrofoam packing boards and air out some grievances. 
we cracked some skulls, just me and my guy. and i fell that much more in love.

today i'm carrying on with the aches and finding some solace in the little things...colorful ranunculus and cut up citrus...spring-smelling air and the truth of good things to come. i'm forcing myself to slow down, sit down, and find bits of peace and comfort anywhere i can find it...knowing there is always, always fruit to smash!

happy monday, friends!


  1. Beautiful photographs. Sometimes it's hard, isn't it? It will work out though, it always does. I wish you a lovely week. Spring is coming!

  2. be still my heart! i love this combination of beautiful photos full of flowers + citrus and unexpected words like "crack some skulls" + "hood rat" - makes me smile, that does. hoping the discomfort eases up. xoxo

  3. What a guy! I could use some fruit smashing some days!
    P.S. I just love coming here...you are so refreshing!

  4. Way to go Matt... you know your lady!!! Hoping all those built up frustrations came a flowing out of you with all the fruit/bottle therapy... lol. I have been lucky enough to grow four children and I do remember the second and more pregnancies being full of more stretching and pulling. Do you have one of those full body length pillows? That one pillow brought me so much happy relief... curling up & wrapping around it seemed to magically lessen the weight/pressure enough to take the edge off. Baby is growing... rest sweet mama to be

  5. Your blog is so honest and beautiful, u will get there….lets hope hope ur lovely little lady is just as lovely as you!xxxx

  6. you are one lucky lady. and you deal with life's challenges beautifully. love the humor you bring to the world! beautiful pictures (do you ever tire of reading that?)

  7. The chiropractor might help, the webster technique is for preg ladies. It helped me during my aches and pains of my pregnancies. LOve!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. This is my favorite post of all time, mainly because of the dichotomy between the beautiful springy photos and the sentence "matt took me around the back of the house in the middle of the night to smash fruit and glass bottles." It's no wonder that man loves you! And after a second read, I'm now noticing how ominous that knife looks in the photos. Riotous!

  10. haha what a smart man he is, letting you get some tension out that way. it's definitely better than walking around the house snipping at everyone. i hope you start to feel better and that tension is relieved in safe, fun ways like that. you're a lucky woman, being loved by someone like that :)

  11. i can't picture you cracking skulls hahah! but being that you're pregs i understand (well, not from personal experience but i get it.) hope things get better in that department. xo!

  12. Lovely photographs. I hope the pregnancy gets easier on you!

  13. I love that you went and smashed some fruite and karate chopped some stuff--that is exactly what it is there for--hope the aches go away :)

  14. Such amazing images. Being pregnant can be a tough job, but of course well worth it. You are taking on the challenges with grace. Feel better!

  15. I love your coping method :) There is just something about having a girl - all that extra estrogen I guess. My girls were so much harder on me than my little guy! I am a big believer in fresh cut flowers to distract from the grumps. I hope you have a few sunny, effortlessly-giddy days coming up, Katie!

  16. Matt is a smart guy! I bet my husband wishes we had had a shooting range in the backyard when I had my pregnant periodic melt-downs! You've just become that much more real to me. ;)


  17. sometimes you just have to let it all go. personaly, grapefruits are my weapon of choice. throwing them at the watertank gives a very satisfying 'thud'!{hehe}


  18. I'm sending you prayers of comfort and peace, sweet lady.

    Aren't ranunculus the prettiest? xo.

  19. Awe, sorry to hear you're so uncomfortable. The flowers are lovely andI love that Little Joy song you selected.


  20. Hope you feel better soon! These photos and the song are lovely. Thank you for sharing.

    Et tu, tutu?

  21. Awe, keep your chin up. Hope you feel better soon!

    ♥ sécia

  22. Thank you, Katie. Thank you for spreading joy on your blog. Thank you for adding to the things that I look forward to reading and experiencing (I feel like your blogs are experiences =) on a weekly basis. Thank you for inspiring so many of us to live the life that we want right now (because it is possible, no matter how often I believe it might not be).
    Most of all thank you for your honesty. Even the strongest, most courageous angels of our lives need support and love in tough times. From what I can see of your blog and life, that is what you are. I hope you feel better soon. You bless others by celebrating life and love and I hope that is brought back to you ten-fold.
    Bless you and your growing family!

  23. oh gosh that sounds so nice right now . . . smashing things. haha
    i'm at 36 weeks now with our little mister and the aches and pains are horrible, on top of it, i'm sick with an awful cold/sinus infection and about had a breakdown today at target when this horrible headache overcame me. sneezes & coughs hurt and make me pull muscles in my tummy that i didn't even know existed. thank goodness for my sweet hubby and ice cream to make these last few weeks before noah arrives a little more bearable.

    i hope you start feeling better soon and that your aches and pains subside!

  24. Do you sell any of your photographs? I absolutely love that top right one in the group of 3!

  25. hope you 'll feel better soon. I remember some preety painful moments when I was pregnant too... these photos are wonderful!

  26. i love those colors.
    got me in a happy mood. thank you :)


  27. You truly do have the most wonderful guy!! Take it slow, deep breaths, relax. Maybe some yoga would help? Also, I love that you used the term "hood rat" haha! Dear Katie, your blog is a favorite :)

    xo Petunia


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