
paint a picture

thursday morning dates at the art museum is my new favorite thing.
i dragged matt out of bed just for the occasion.
the weather was just as fine as can be and we sat outside the museum under shade trees watching the city hustle and bustle and work from across the river. 
inside, we held hands next to monets and hoppers and warhols.
we rushed through and moseyed slow and i was convinced we were going to get kicked out for matt getting too close to the art. 
it was a good morning.
p.s. it was an even better morning when i noticed the sweetest mention of my blog here from elsie at a beautiful mess
thank you so much, elsie! what a treat!
and a big thank you to all of you stopping by for the first time too.


  1. what an absolutely lovely day. i adore this post :)

    ~Andrea @ http://hecallsmewifey.blogspot.com/

  2. What a wonderful way to start the day!

  3. Art galleries are beyond magical. I could spend days wandering around in them!

    You look just lovely. <3

  4. I am completely hooked on your blog thanks to Elsies mention:) I adore your photos and general style - looking forward to more = inspiration!

  5. your hair is unreal. so, so pretty. and i always love art museum trips!

  6. You look gorgeous!

  7. this is amazing and you are beautiful!

  8. You guys are a beautiful couple, and that sounds like the perfect day :)

  9. what a beautiful day! you're beautiful too--that dress--gah! love the blog. :)

  10. I'm so jealous! Also, you can take pictures at that art museum!? How did you manage to do that? The Art Center here wouldn't even let me bring my bag in! You look gorgeous! I adore that dress, the pattern is so lovely and dates to the art museum is always fun!

    Meanz (Koi Story)

  11. I love your style!

  12. Oh it's the first time I popped in here and I LOVE your photos, such great style xxx Anna

  13. I thought some of your adventure sites looked familiar! I live down the road from Dayton, and have enjoyed many of the same places. I spent a lovely day at the Dayton Art Institute last fall, and enjoyed your photos. I discovered your blog from Elsie's post yesterday, and am so glad that I did!

  14. Oh.My.Heavens! Katie, my love, you are breathtaking. That first picture and the ones that follow could be a feature in Vogue. You take phenom pics and you are beyond photogenic...both you and your handsome beau. WOW!!!♥

  15. Congrats on being mentioned on Elsie's site, love her (and that gorgeous wedding she had)! Going to the art museum (or anywhere else for that matter) with just Rocky is such a treat. Great idea for the two of you! I love the picture with the maroon artwork in the background, you made it look so pretty :)

  16. I'm a new follower and my gosh do I ever love your blog.

    Your photos are so lovely ... the brightness of them is so supreme, but yet crisp. I don't even know. They're lovely.

    You're lovely!



  17. I found my way here from Elsie's post yesterday and have already poked around a bit and added you to my regular reads! I adore your style and can't wait to read more. :)

  18. I love how you can take the Art Institute and make it seem new and fresh. Almost makes me want to give it a visit again soon! I live so close, I really should!

  19. This post is just so lovely - your blog always makes me smile :) x


  20. I love your style, its so ladylike, but then rock n roll with your tattoos. Those are beautiful pictures.

  21. I love the photo of you in front of the pink/fuscia painting. Love those colors.

    - Meredith

  22. Wow! I've been following you since your livejournal days when your blog had a different name. I feel like I'm celebrating right along with you...Just look at all those followers. Wow. I was just thinking that your photos are very different than they used to be...new camera? Photoshop effect? Something is different and it is LOVELY. And please don't lose any weight or feel like you have to, because you have never looked more radiant, more beautiful! Your body looks perfect, so well-suited to the style and clothes that you love. Everything seems to be fitting perfectly together for you...so happy for you. Blessings! xo-Cyndy

  23. gah, how pretty are you?!!? i love that dress :)

    I've only just noticed the cardinal on your arm! I love them, I have one on my ankle x

  24. Your dress is so beautiful! And I love the red lipstick! Remember to enter my £100 ASOS giveaway!


  25. Phew! Could you be any more gorgeous! I love the photo of you in front of the purple painting!


  26. Lovely photos. I was also pointed to here by Elsie and I'm following you on bloglovin' now. I love Matt's beard it's amazing! I showed my boyfriend it and I think he wants his that long now!

  27. Once... when no one was looking, I ran my fingers over a Monet painting there. Shhhhh

  28. i'm blowing kisses to every single one of you!
    and tiffany! you and matt belong together. he was making me a nervous wreck. haha. it should be known that i have a fear of getting in trouble. haha. what a wet blanket!


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